Essential Oil Therapy - Can Essential Oil Be Used to Take Care of Worn-out Legs?

Most people have discovered that resorting to herbs or alternative medicine is far better when compared to contemporary medicine. A good example of such new medicinal therapy is acupuncture or aromatherapy. In this article, we shall be looking at the possibility of making use of essential oil as a remedy to tired legs.

Feeling restlessness within your legs is something very normal. This is often experienced after a tiring day involving a greater use of your legs. After some rest, the legs will normally regain the vigor. But when you have amply rested the legs and you still find some painful discomfort within the legs, you should know that you are suffering from restless legs. This is commonly experienced by old people. The legs should be well taken care of because they are very important in our habitual activities.

The most common resort you will normally heed to when your legs seem worn out is to take some analgesic. But this too may have some side effects if ingestion of such drugs is on a constant basis. Keep in mind that the over consumption of modern medicine has been known to produce some significant side effects to the patients. Therefore, it is always advisable to resort to natural herbs like essential oils to give your legs the required energy and relaxation that they deserve. What is more to this? Natural medicines pose no threat in the form of side effects. What should be considered is the pure form of essential oil rich in stimulants that boost the immune system and counter any disorder within the legs. The benefit of using essential oil is that it is simply for external use.

There is an assortment of these essential oils for the cure of restless legs. One good example is the grape seed essential oil which is very rich in medicinal properties. Another good form of essential oil is the Roman Chamomile essential oil and this is specifically excellent for pains in the lower portion of the leg. Other good forms of essential oil for your restless leg include rosemary essential oil and lavender essential oil. These have a double therapeutic function in that they do not only heal the legs of the pains, but they equally stimulate the mind to function at its maximum.

Besides indispensable oils, there are also other forms of natural cure to tired legs. One simple cure to restless legs is to ingest some amount of garlic on a regular basis. Garlic is highly favored for its richness in medicinal properties. But the ultimate treatment of every problem is to know the roots of the problem. Remember that knowing the problem is half way curing the problem. Some forms of restless legs have been known to be caused by being overweight or as a result of arthritis. Essential oil should however be considered because it has no negative effects and it is very fast. But when there is no positive response to treatment within a period of two weeks from the date of commencement of the drug, medical advice should be sought.

Essential Oil Therapy - Can Essential Oil Be Feasible in Fighting Against Fleas?

Fleas are very common to pets and especially dogs. Pets should be treated in a humane way just like man takes care of himself. This has prompted to the advocating of animal rights in some regions of the world and these regions have even gone a long way to creating legislations that afford protection to animals. Dogs are amongst the greatest of friends to man. Therefore, man must do all what it takes to take care of their health, and especially common infections the often plague dogs. The most common infections to dogs are fleas. It has often been pondered if essential oil can be used for the treatment of fleas in dogs. You will be surprised at this article telling you of the possibility of using essential oils to keep your dog free from fleas.

Essential oil is good to man as well as animals. If it can be a curative agent to man, it can also be a curative agent to animals. But extreme care ought to be taken if we have to administer essential oils to animals. This is because essential oil should be taken under strict prescriptions and we all know that animals cannot tell of how they feel over the application of certain essential oils. Even when they express certain abnormal behavior to show that they are plagued by certain infections or that they disapprove of certain treatments, it is still difficult for us t understand the true meaning of these manifestations. This is the more reason why you must first and foremost seek advice from a vet ahead of administering any essential oil to your pet.

The situation is not the same for every essential oil. There are essential oils that can be administered to the dog without fear of side effects. This is particularly the case with essential oil that is used to take care of fleas. This is because fleas attack dogs in regions around the neck and legs. Therefore, applying essential oil around these areas will not cause any significant problem to the dog's health. A good example of such essential oils for the cure of fleas should be lavender and peppermint. Other forms of essential oils such eucalyptus, citronella cedar and lemon should also be considered.

Another possibility is to attempt a mixture of rosemary essential oil, white cedar essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil, citronella essential oil and peppermint essential oil. However, you should apply this to the dog's collar and leave to dry for some time ahead of tying the collar on the dog's neck. You should also know that every case has it own treatment. Therefore, you should always get advice from the vet because what you will copy from a friend might not be what should be applicable to your case. And above all, self medication should be considered risky to the health of your dog.

This remedy is a tried, tested and proven remedy. It does not only get the dog free of fleas; it leaves the dog refreshed mentally and relaxed as any normal human will feel.

Essential Oil Therapy - What Can Be Considered the True Meaning of Essential Oil?

It sounds very simple to offer any meaning to the true value of essential oil. This is because a common characteristic to it is that it is truly gotten from a natural plants and it has been found to be equally indispensable to the health of man. The study of these indispensable oils and their use has laid accent on the medicinal importance especially when mixed with others substances, but this should be mixed according to prescribed standards.

The medicinal value or importance of natural herbs should not only be the most important thing to us. In order to fully understand these values or importance, it is essential to know what they mean. If you have experienced the feeling of any scent or fragrance changing your mood, then you will easily find a place to harbor what I am trying to say. Just like taking a walk out of a stale atmosphere into some fresh air for a revitalization of your body and mind, so too does the fragrance of some essential plants bring out the vigor in you.

To better explain the meaning of these essential oils, one can begin by simply attributing them as products from plants or from parts of plants. These products are a bit moist and are more of an actual representation of the plants from which they are taken from. Essential oils can exist in more than a hundred components and their accessibility is determined by their cost and value. The essential thing about these oils is that they provide both bodily and mental relieve to man.

The above should not limit the true meaning of essential oils to just explaining them as wholesome and natural products from plants or from parts of the plants. The meaning could also be explained according to their usage. The truth about essential oils is that they are multipurpose in usage. There are mostly prescribed for external use. The main difference between essential oils and perfumes is that perfumes are mixed with compounds to give a synthetic scent. But essential oils are natural oils and they are often mixed with other natural oils. A good example of pure and natural essential oil is lavender and sandalwood.

Essential oil is utilized depending on the temperament of the illness. It can either be rubbed on the surface or it can be inhaled. When rubbed, it calms down and cures the ailment in the affected regions. When inhaled, it lessens any clogging or obstructions within the body. The properties of the oil have also been known to act as remedy to mental stress and for general nourishment of the body. These oils are also essential as washing/cleaning agents and as insecticide within the house.

From the explanation of what essential oil is all about, it can be seen that the healing powers of it can only be realized once the product is taken under strict adherence to prescriptions; else they can result to further complications in the body. You must equally know that the mode of usage is another important feature towards a better explanation of it.

Essential Oil Therapy - Clear Mind Indispensable Oil - A Very Important Mixture For the Mind

Mixing essential oil has produced such extraordinary combination and lots of psychotherapists have begun considering different combinations to amplify the power and efficacy of the essential oil, and these mixtures have been found to have healing and curative powers to the body as well as the psyche. A clear and a good example of such a combination is the clear mind mixture which is a blend of pine needle, lemon and another aromatic herb. It produces fair greenish ointment with a clean fragrance and it is often used as a stimulant to an indolent mind or as a spur to one' passions. This articles aims at telling you about the fragrant combinations and the importance of the clear mind oil.

Man has a certain feeling towards a specific scent and this has an effect on the general functioning of the body. This is often referred to as aromatherapy. This does not mean that other ointment from plants have no importance to man. The truth is that all natural plants have one form of use to man, whether knowingly or unknowingly. The conclusion should be that these oils offer diverse effects as applied by different individuals. It should be borne in mind that as these mixtures are used as remedy for skin and other diseases, some are equally used to relieve mental or psychological problems.

The clear mind oil is often combined together with other indispensable therapeutic oils and these have gone a long way to producing pure anti bacterial and fungal solutions. What is the clear essential oil? This is simply a perfect mixture of the lemon oil and the pine oil and this has been known to constitute a very powerful mixture. It is found to be rich in curative properties and augments both the healthiness of the body as well as booster the mind. Lemon oil has acidic components and is best for the cure of skin infections and a booster to the immune system. What should be considered of utmost importance is the healing power of the mixture and not the pleasant perfume that it produces.

This oil is best for exciting the mind, revitalizing the body and for refreshing the memory. It is often recommended to students and people who always experience having tired or worn out memories. This does not only stimulate the brain, but it arouses the whole of your body. This oil can also be used as an air freshener. One thing you should note is that the value of the oil is measured in terms of the excellence of the mixture. It is therefore worthwhile to go in for quality.

The attraction that the perfume from this oil commands can be measured by our obsessions and inclinations for certain favorite perfumes. Importance should be laid more on the healing aspect of the fragrance rather than the perfume. The fragrance stimulates the brain and research has even proven that it facilitates the flow of oxygen to the brain. Thus, always consider the Clear Mind essential oil as the stimulant indispensable for the functioning of your body and brain.

Essential Oils and the Heart - Why I Always Carry Aroma Life

Essential oils have been around since the beginning of time, and each succeeding generation finds additional ways of using them. The dramatic story below instantly made the essential oil blend called Aroma Life part of my emergency kit.

An emergency on a Boeing 777 between Honolulu and California

Over the speakers came an urgent request for a doctor. Of the two doctors who responded, one had none of the tools of her trade with her. The other was armed with a stethoscope, a blood pressure cup, and two bottles of essential oils.

The passenger with the emergency was disoriented and trying to tear off his shirt. The second doctor diagnosed him as hyposic (lack of oxygen to the brain), and having high blood pressure because his heart was racing.

This medical doctor pulled out a bottle of the Peace & Calming essential oil blend, told the passenger to breathe deeply, and his breathing slowed. Next, he sprinkled the Aroma Life blend to the man's chest and neck..

By this time, the captain needed to know whether the flight should continue to California or return to Honolulu. Both medical doctors then confirmed that the passenger's blood pressure had returned to normal!

How can this be?

Aroma Life was designed to lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and improve cardiovascular, lymphatic, and circulatory systems. Here's what is in it.

1. Helichrysum - essential oil reference works credit this oil with improving circulation, reducing blood viscosity, reducing plaque deposits from the veins and arteries, and more.

2. Ylang Ylang - is developing a history of being used to help balance heart function

3. Marjoram - known for its ability to relieve muscle spasms

4. Cypress - known for its properties that increase circulation

My experience

Whenever I feel any discomfort in my chest, I apply the Aroma Life blend, and the discomfort always goes away in minutes. My parents also use it, as do a number of people who know about this special blend.

In order to stay legal, I must recommend that you consult with your doctor before trying anything you have read here! Most likely, he will be ignorant about medicinal grade essential oils, but if he is open minded and would like to learn more, please contact me at either of the websites below and I will be happy to help.