Essential Oils and the Heart - Why I Always Carry Aroma Life

Essential oils have been around since the beginning of time, and each succeeding generation finds additional ways of using them. The dramatic story below instantly made the essential oil blend called Aroma Life part of my emergency kit.

An emergency on a Boeing 777 between Honolulu and California

Over the speakers came an urgent request for a doctor. Of the two doctors who responded, one had none of the tools of her trade with her. The other was armed with a stethoscope, a blood pressure cup, and two bottles of essential oils.

The passenger with the emergency was disoriented and trying to tear off his shirt. The second doctor diagnosed him as hyposic (lack of oxygen to the brain), and having high blood pressure because his heart was racing.

This medical doctor pulled out a bottle of the Peace & Calming essential oil blend, told the passenger to breathe deeply, and his breathing slowed. Next, he sprinkled the Aroma Life blend to the man's chest and neck..

By this time, the captain needed to know whether the flight should continue to California or return to Honolulu. Both medical doctors then confirmed that the passenger's blood pressure had returned to normal!

How can this be?

Aroma Life was designed to lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and improve cardiovascular, lymphatic, and circulatory systems. Here's what is in it.

1. Helichrysum - essential oil reference works credit this oil with improving circulation, reducing blood viscosity, reducing plaque deposits from the veins and arteries, and more.

2. Ylang Ylang - is developing a history of being used to help balance heart function

3. Marjoram - known for its ability to relieve muscle spasms

4. Cypress - known for its properties that increase circulation

My experience

Whenever I feel any discomfort in my chest, I apply the Aroma Life blend, and the discomfort always goes away in minutes. My parents also use it, as do a number of people who know about this special blend.

In order to stay legal, I must recommend that you consult with your doctor before trying anything you have read here! Most likely, he will be ignorant about medicinal grade essential oils, but if he is open minded and would like to learn more, please contact me at either of the websites below and I will be happy to help.