Omega 3 and Fish Oil - Information All Should Read

A lot of the benefits and study on fish oil are mainly centered around the essential fatty acid, Omega 3, contained within. Multiple inquiries have revealed the possibility that this oil results in decreased danger of colon, breast and prostate cancer, though additional study is required in order for solid findings to be confidently announced. Some of the other benefits that have become very popular and proven over time are the heart and brain development benefits.

Afflictions including Crohn's disease, dementia, cystic fibrosis, schizophrenia and eczema may also benefit substantially from adequate daily supply of omega 3, though additional study is required in order for conclusive evidence to be established. There has been some basis in recent years that fish oil might help protect your hair to prevent or delay hair loss in men.

While it is certainly true that omega 3 can be very useful, it also comes with the possibility of undesirable effects. While many have touted the potentially positive effects of fish oil intake, and while ingesting it should pose no risk to the majority of folks, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued guidelines stating that it is not recommended for adults to take more than three grams daily. Unless instructed by a physician, kids are not advised to ingest supplements.

However, during pregnancy most women should make sure to consume some sort of omega 3 source such as flaxseed or clean mercury free fish. It is especially important to have mercury free fish because it might hamper the babies' brain development. Paradoxically, you definitely need omega 3 because it helps brain development so make sure you select clean sources of omega 3 fatty acids. Large amounts can hinder one's infection fighting capabilities, as substantial amounts of fish oil may impact one's immunities. Ingesting an amount larger than three grams of fish oil daily may result in bleeding, as clotting may be effectively hindered. Excessive intake of fish oil also has the potential to raise levels of the undesirable LDL cholesterol.